{~}Archive flaneur is an "anachronistic" art and theory project by Juan Fernando Toro and Mirjam Kroker, "a journey through Time"1 in search of other Archive Notions.
{~}Archive flaneur is a mobile exhibition project and, at the same time, a nomadic research trip, which is continuously nourished by short trips to different historical and biographical places in visits to Archives and Museums, to try through sketches, sketches, notes, albums and recordings, capture something of reality and generate other ways of archiving.
The mobile exhibition is on board a -rented- Volkswagen T2, which, with the extension of a tent, is converted into a portable exhibition space for art objects, some archival material found on the internet and objects produced from the reflection and association of objects and archived material information.
Skizze of the exhibition – exterior view.
In a Theoretical sense, by highlighting the artist as Flaneur, it is perhaps an attempt to understand the relationship between the critical reflection of the National-Socialist monstrosity of the Second World War and the fascism of Authoritarian regimes within the philosophical and literary society since the Second World War. world war, related to the role that this same literary and philosophical self-critical reflection has played in the formation of contemporary art.
“Why rework a concept of the archive today? In one and the same configuration, at the same time technical and political and legal? (...) The disasters that mark this end of the millennium are also archives of evil; concealed or destroyed, prohibited, diverted, "repressed." Its treatment is both massive and refined in the course of civil or international wars, private or secret manipulations. One never renounces, it is the unconscious itself, to appropriate power over the document, over its possession, its retention or its interpretation. But who ultimately has the authority over the institution of the archive? How to respond to the relationships between the memorandum, the indication, the evidence and the testimony?”1
1. Jacques DERRIDA: Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression. (translation by Paco Vidarte) Page 5. Trotta, Madrid, 1997.