— by Juan Toro
Relate to those most insidious pathologies in History, such as the fundamental thesis of the unconscious separation of the "experience" from the imagination. The unconsciousness of the experiential, hiletic unarticulate intensional and subjective transparency of temporal consciousness as an experience that is the de facto backdrop by means of which we take as logical forms and veridical concreteness claims. What are, actually, projections of the subjective traces, subjective time (inner time-consciousness), a headless temporality, because it has no present thing in it. It's like on time, when we have, actually, is an object out there, presented to us by way of Senses. There is purely authentic presentation within that sort of mode of temporization, and hence it's just that its authenticity is not about fulfillments in the perceptual sort of way, but has been constructed elaborately around the absence of dispossitedness. The myth of Giveness is a fundamental thesis in the to distinguish of the manner of Givenness exemplify by the mode of presentation and re-presentation projected into reality, an sort of Phantasmata of the object, habituation mechanisms with a semblance of systematicity which is bereft of justification itself. Institutionalized restitutions of a form of prior teleological logic of transcendental ego masked in a supposed semiotic objectivity. All the same, the primary element of Consciousness will always be Sensations.
Besides, the tendency of many philosophers to make their personal problems (ego) axioms and universal factors (transcendental) is almost a parallel Natural History. Until recently, many studies were known about schizophrenia caused by hyperconnection in the network, as one of the evils of our time. But for some years we have seen another hardly known factor in the discussion about the relationship of experience to linguistic meaning1, in the indubitability of the Given in the rationalist apparatus that describes consciousness as the link of the most true truth. This is another of the relativist dichotomies in the normative project of scientific fundamentalisms. The prima Philosophy is relativized to the simple question about what is experienced (the study of "experience" assigned to Aesthetics) in its relationship with what is thought (the philosophy of mind). A kind of bipolar disorder of a kind of subjectivized individual in his mental agony of having to see everything from both sides sometime. Separated his mind into two extremes, like on a roller coaster, he does not feel his body, he has the suggestion that he has to make his body "work" to be able to reconcile with himself, so as not to feel dead or empty, he has to exercise daily, like a machine, to give himself power2, while in his mind he is obliged to re-construct the history of his subjectivity with words and images, basing on what is observed (language theory) a construction of images of the paradigm of his world on an album anchored in the reflex of the memory of their own most elementary perceptual sensations.
The bipolar aperture of the Wahrnehmungstheorie (theory of sensory perceptions) that has reached institutionality, removes Aesthetics from the sciences (of which it has its domain, such as mechanism, adequacy, Lacan's theory of science, etc.), but at the same time, subtly endorses it within its most radical hegemonic, traditional institutionality in psycho-sophical guilt and therefore in the positivist and effective normative filigree of the neuronal behaviorism, with the analogy of the nervous system in the "theory of mind" (Geistwissenschaft, Gestalttheorie, etc.) in a relationship with re-design techné in Aesthetics, makes perfect one economical human factor like the Leviathan, embodied in a regional political fundamentalist theory that, curiously, has become “planetary” atlas of absence. This corporeal monism as the last way to acquire real and empirical knowledge becomes the pragmatism of "koerpersprache" (corporal expression) in relation to what they call "mind", which has been projected, extrapolated to its own counterintuitive subjectivity as the new morality, constitutive, which reorganizes the world of the "other" for some future geotraumatic State governed by the rule of law.
The Wahrnehmung regime is also the basis for the deepest procedures of economic production in the most industrialized sectors, because it unites the basal layer with technocracy. This meta-political hegemony and its gnostic implantation constitute the status of bipolar obsession. To give an example of this monism of constitutive intentional rationality, it is enough to see the neuroscientific method absurdly intertwined with Modern Cosmology, the role of epistemic axioms within the "construction of images" for a technoforency is identified, quantified.
In line with German ideology, the Gnostic obsession of the doxocratic fundamentalisms of the apeiron, is relative to the doxography in the dualistic teaching of Philosophy faculties, they infer reality as a substantialist monism, hypostasized from a psychic atomism. The gnostic-political implantation of Philosophy has Philosophical planetary Aesthetics as its last bastion, mainly because of its Theodorian-Kantian negativity-positivity.
In 1993 the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ästhetik (German Aesthetics Society) was established, seeking a “global perspective” of its theoretical assumptions in connection with various Aesthetics societies around the world. The European Society for Aesthetics Annual Conference is known3. From there, the appeal to the paradigm of Aesthetics focused on neuro programming (the posthuman experience as a no anthropomorphic new condition) has become a subtle neutralizer that connects almost all philosophical, proto-ontological, proto-dialectical, epistemological traditions, etc. Complex systems would be limited to a constitutive intentionality that is no longer subjectivist, but its empirical analogy of predictive Artificial modells as an postnatural machines is also the appeal to the conflict over the axiomatic status of the ego syntactic of techné versus classical semantics. Although it may not seem like it, it is one more progress for the separation of sensations and ideas, (understanding here ideas as syntactic linguistic symbols provided with a one-dimensional semantics, the apeiron) because the controlled analog-digital operability constitutes the new total Work of Art (Gesamkunstwerk) by the radical capitalism.
Image and computing syntax are now one single thing together, concentrate the somatization of the "emotions" of the petty bourgeois4 and the appeal to the low passions already announced from German Romanticism, the Trauerspiel or the negative aesthetics of Adorno, the homoludens, is the appeal to the particles of the eschatological origin of "being not being", for example, in the sophisticated performances or cinematography of real european intellectuals is presented as the basis of the psychology of language for the scatological obsession extrapolated as sensitive logos (disgust, hate, shit, sexual aberrations, food) as primary elements. In other hand, wild man's attentionallity, is the schema in parallel with the alienation and objective concretization of the others through of pre-predictive Appearance as raw critical material. Here the word goes before the action or on top of it. Thinking is equivalent to pronouncing a normative language, it is what they call “mandatory in language”. But language is taken in a protean way, which makes it manipulable, malleable according to the "needs" of manner of Givenness Forms of life. The model of “körpersprache” (body language) like Big bang that exploits art by stating that theater is a non-elitist social space. Not everyone is allowed to speculate, and speculation will be called organic evolution instances.
1. Livingston, Paul M. (2004). Philosophical History and the Problem of Consciousness. Cambridge University Press.
2. Spontaneous account reconstructed from the comment of a friend of Italian origin named Jackob, a patient with Bipolar Disorder in Vienna, Austria. 2009. Very similar story to other people who said they suffered from the same thing.
3. The German Aesthetic Society is a registered non-profit association. It was presented in 1993 at the initiative of Karlheinz Lüdeking, Birgit Recki and Lambert Wiesing in Münster at the “Image and Reflection. Perspectives of Contemporary Aesthetics”. The Society currently has more than 600 members and various transnational partners.
4. Defined as the representant of a class that seeks salable items.