Technique: Experimental Drawing
120 x 80 cm(approx.)
© Juan Toro
Error in the constnat computational vector
Experimental Drawing by Juan Toro
For The Exhibition Theme „Between Cosmos & Chaos”
The current disease of civilization, it proposes interrupting the complete continuity of the visual world.
Where there was never a break from the tiniest to the largest part. As well as on television that says something and is then introduced into an image with a zoom, zoom, zoom, up to a tiny stage. It's really a fantastic action, that might not do in our daily lives, as there is always a time when we can not see the image. But that desire for total image is constantly updated in culture. The cognitive structure of the formation of the world and what language is called right through the construction of images. This was initially found in the western world, in the history of mechanical and digital image production. Where it is creating a language of images, such as forms, drawings, contents and many other constellations of concepts. But there's another way that has been gestated in creating images of the world, that is in the world of art, a technology more as a metaphor for the construction of ideas with images. Call it pictorial technology. One of these concepts is the notion of "resolution" which can be defined as "the density of information in an image". This unsettles the image of the unit and totalizing world, that is no longer the way is full of content, but the content is no different densities. Now, it depends on the perspective from which you look. As one can see, how close it is from a distance, but on the other hand also quantitatively how dense is information1.
1. Bernardo Ortiz. Exhibition Hotel “El Salto“. Tales On, 2014.
So there are different ways of perception of images. Since the notion of "resolution", and you can use that as a metaphor. When you see an image closely, as seen by a myopic, one can see the foundations of jitter. The different surfaces are rough, or if it is a glass, or the textures of different roles, not colored particles on the surface adhered evenly and orderly, in fact there are accidents.
The arts, it belongs to parameters that cannot be observed a priori. Even if unsolved equations do also exist, it is impossible to build a mathematic reasoning to structure the unstructurable that leads to the unexpected, where neither causality nor effects are understandable. Here the metaphor is not exhausted. The notion of "resolution" of the image as "metaphorical imperative" that reveals how things work, the same mechanism that it contains, as part of a technocracy. Bernardo Ortiz says: "I must stress that manually re-producing the image allows the mechanisms that are at stake to be understood. It is a bodily approach to the point where the image collides with the surface that makes it visible. The photomechanical line, the pixel screen, the furrows of the disk – to name a few".
„The modernist reflection on the dimensional surface hastily archived as a purely formal company. At the same time, the fact that the world today is becoming increasingly bi-dimensional, appears to be a suppressed fact. Thinking about the ubiquity of the screens and flat surfaces.
Everything is flat. Everything is plain. And everything seems to be transparent. The interfaces of the computer operating systems, touch screens are trying to eliminate a certain coarseness in the way that they manipulate the objects“1. Thinking about the consequences of this “illusion”, think about the cosmos and nature.
Even nature is not perfect, in fact the idea that everything has a perfect symmetry in nature, is an anomaly caused by the experience of imperfection, here mistake does not mean destruction but on the contrary. In fact, everything in the universe is regenerated without that process would not be possible chaos or Stability aspects. Everything is guided by the determinist agency of repair. Even in a black hole today are already viewed as some kind of information tanks. The matter is not destroyed forever, but their information is kept, as if it were a hologram coded in two dimensions. And when the black hole "evaporates2" information reappears on another side of the universe, as if the energy was created from nothing, in fact contributing to the formation of new stars and galaxies.3.
If you would like to know, “this is the way the world works.”As the billionaire philanthropist George Soros asserts in The New York Review of Books, “international cooperation is in decline both in the political and financial spheres.” Pankaj Mishra writes in the Guardian that a “world organized for the play of individual self-interest looks more and more prone to manic tribalism.” Pope Francis is currently fighting climate change more compellingly than any international organization in recent history. That’s also a sign of the deterioration of an international order that ought to take action but can’t anymore. The return of the quasi-medieval agency of the papacy (granted, for a progressive cause) casts light on a creeping feudalism to which we concede to ourselves more and more openly.
Consider the „case in point in the overthrowing of the multilateral order was the 2003 US- and UK-led invasion of Iraq. The campaign was legitimized with fabricated evidence of Saddam Hussein’s non-existent weapons of mass destruction.
Presented to the United Nations as a no-brainer, the invasion abused and ravaged the very idea of “cooperation.” The future leadership of ISIS was forged in a US prison in Iraq, where jihadist insurgents and former Iraqi Baath Party officials were detained together. A White House aide told a journalist that “we’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.
We live in an ideological transformation of geo-social future, managed by a techno-science, which has been called "the management of the planetary4". The representation techniques of policy contemplate cosmos reduced to a binary information code. As if a super computer, which can be hacked. A system of logarithmic tables where all information would be almost omnipresent. This does not imply universal justice or equality. Many small control organs forming a big brother monster. It's not about technology only, but how is implemented.
1. Ibid. Bernardo Ortiz.
2. Kader Attia. The Loop http://supercommunity.e-flux.com/texts/the-loop/
3. „As a black hole attracts more matter, it rejects more of its elementary information. Try, for instance, filling a dog’s bowl using a fire hose. A huge quantity of water will spill out. The acceleration of the event horizon generates a massive and powerful electromagnetic loop that creates, on both sides of the black hole, two gigantic jets of gamma rays, together with electromagnetic eruptions and rejected gas.“ „This intermediary cataclysmic phenomenon in fact leads to a cosmic act of creation. It illustrates, at an extraordinary physical scale, a fundamental principle of creation: repair. From the death of a massive star exploding into a supernova, new stars are born.“
4. Ibid. Kader Attia.

Ilustración A: Needle vinyl turntable. The rough and inscrutable surface of the disk stubbornly rotates trying to reproduce another rough and inscrutable surface. Both systems collide on the surface of the image.