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セットを作成するアート メディア、絵画、オブジェクトによる実験的な芸術的研究。 「連想」のためだけでなく、自由な解離のための流用絵画。存在を裂くことなく、芸術的現象の形 態における現実からの本質的な分離のために。思考を生成するための「絵画的神学」であり、その逆ではありません。
Synth Womb
This Animation as Installation is designed as a group together with the members of The Womble Collective. We treat the theme of the Wombles collect rubbish, as a critic of recycling myth. I used the analog drawing and the Computing Program Aftereffects.
The Womble who collects the Rubbish walks in an environment of another holographic dimension, which simulates a neighborhood of sumptuous houses and buildings, while in the background nuclear bombs explode and a radioactive mushroom is seen.
16 frames, 250 pixels. Scenario of 195 x 130 pix approximately.
Feb 2023.
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