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Familiarity in the whole of Barbapapas

Temperas. markers and markers on paper.
40 x 50 centimeters (approximately)
© Juan Toro
December 2020.

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It is an appropriation of the Barbapapas, and if you look again, to the bottom left, next to Barbabello, is the Spanish Philosopher Gustavo Bueno, taken from the comic that Fermín made in his Video Game called "Symploké, the legend of Gustavo Bueno" where G. Bueno is also an icon in the context of Spain and Hispanic Philosophy.

This kind of painting, which is commonly known as Appropriation Painting, is based on the appropriation and copying of images with simple pictorial manual methods, often related to childhood and school (ESO) and, on the other hand, from the Philosophy of Art, the Aesthetics of current Art in relation to the world of thought.

Appropriation painting for the association (and in my case also) free dissociations.

Note: the idea of dissociation would be relevant to put in context here since that philosophical term is used in Philosophical Materialism, in this case in the words of Marcelino Suárez Ardura "for an essential dissociation in the morphology of thought, without a separation from reality ".

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